install WordPress on Cpanel

I guess you already know what is a domain name and hosting. Also, I assume you already have a domain name and a hosting service. Then in this article, I will show you how to install WordPress Cpanel. Read the full article so you will know all the steps.

After you complete the payment to the hosting service, they will send you an e-mail with login credentials to your hosting Cpanel. In this e-mail, you can find a link to the Cpanel and your Username and Password also. Click that link and type your username and password to open the Cpanel. Then it should look like the below picture.

install WordPress on Cpanel

Then scroll down and look for a section called Software. Look for a Softaculous app installer.

install WordPress on Cpanel

Click softaculous apps installer and look for WordPress. Sometimes the WordPress logo will appear on the first page, if not click blogs on from the left side menu. You can see WordPress there.

install WordPress on Cpanel

Click the WordPress icon on the top menu. Then click install.

From the next page, you need to give some information before installing WordPress.

install WordPress on Cpanel

How to install WordPress on Cpanel

Choose the WordPress version you want to install. If you don’t have any special reason, always install the latest version.

Choose the installation URL: This is the most important step. If you make any mistake here, your site will not load.

Step 1: Choose Https as the protocol

Step 2: Choose the domain name you want to install WordPress. there will be a domain list If you have multiple domains.

Step 3: In the directory text box you can see two letters “WP”. Delete these two letters and make sure that the text box is empty.

Site Settings

Type your site name and Site description.

No need to tick the Enable Multisite.

install WordPress on Cpanel

Admin Account

Admin Username: type a username for WordPress.

Admin Password: Type a password for WordPress.

This Username and Password will use to log in to WordPress in the future. Don’t forget this information.

Admin Email: You can use this email address as an admin email to receive information from your website. For example, If you have a contact form your site, someone fills that form and send a message it will come to this email address. I will teach you how to create a mailbox later.

Then choose the language. In select plugins section tick the Limit login attempts. Leave the other two checkboxes unticked. Scroll Down and click Install. You will see a progress bar that installing WordPress on your hosting server.

After that, you will see a screen the same as below. Your site URL and site admin URL is there.

Clicking the Administrative URL will open the WordPress dashboard login page. Here type the Username and Password login. Then you can see the WordPress Admin dashboard like this.

In the next article, we will learn how to configure WordPress before creating a website. Comment below if you have any questions.